• Daily, Marla 2013-Present. www.islapedia.com, Online California Islands encyclopedia.



  • Daily, Marla 2019. Farallon Islands: The Devil’s Teeth: Images of America, Arcadia Publishing, South Carolina, 128 pages


  • Daily, Marla 2018. Anacapa Island. Images of America, Arcadia Publishing: South Carolina, 128 pages


  • Daily, Marla 2015. Rock Star & The Old Country Priest. Bound by Mariana Blau, Printed by Patrick Reagh, Sebastopol, CA 10 pages (200 copies)


  • Daily, Marla 2014. The San Miguel Island Egg, in Ancestors West, Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society November 2014 Vol.39
    No.4, Pp 34-36 SBCGS AncestorsWest 2014 Vol 39N4


  • Daily, Marla 2012. The California Channel Islands. Images of America, Arcadia Publishing: South Carolina, 128 pages



  • Daily, Marla, Paul W. Collins and Brian G. Burd. 2009. Clarence Brockman Linton (1880-1925): Channel Islands Entrepreneur, Ornithological Collector, and Pioneer Mariculturist in Proceedings of the 7th California Islands Symposium.Damiani, C.C. and D.K. Garcelon (eds.).
    7th CIS Proceedings/Daily, et al


  • Daily, Marla 2005. Richard Diebenkorn & Carey Stanton: A Private Collection. Santa Cruz Island Foundation, Santa Barbara, CA, 136 pages


  • Daily, Marla with Al and Russ Vail, et al. 1998. Santa Rosa Island Geologic Mapping and Oil Exploration on Dibblee, Thomas W. Jr., John J. Woolley & Helmut E. Ehrenspeck Geologic Map of Santa Rosa Island, Santa Barbara County, California. Santa Cruz Island Foundation Occasional Map #2


  • Daily, Marla and John Woolley, with Al Vail & Russ Vail 1998. Shaded Relief Map of Santa Rosa Island. Illustrated by Joann Tanner Rounds. Santa Cruz Island Foundation Occasional Map #1


  • Daily, Marla 1997. California’s Channel Islands: 1001 Questions Answered. Shoreline Press: Santa Barbara, CA, Third edition, 270 pages (Second edition, EZ Nature Books, 1990; First edition, McNally & Loftin, 1987)


  • Daily, Marla (ed.) 1993. Santa Barbara Island. Occasional Paper Number 6 Santa Cruz Island Foundation: Santa Barbara, CA, 112 pages


  • _____. (ed.) 1991. Chapel of the Holy Cross 1891-1991. Santa Cruz Island Occasional Paper Number 5 Santa Cruz Island Foundation: Santa Barbara,CA, 115 pages


  • _____. 1991. Mission Santa Cruz Island in Marla Daily (ed.), Chapel of the Holy Cross 1891-1991 Santa Cruz Island Occasional Paper Number 5, Pp. 1-6.
    Santa Cruz Island Foundation: Santa Barbara, CA


  • _____. 1991. The Holy Cross Cemetery in Marla Daily (ed.), Chapel of the Holy Cross 1891-1991 Santa Cruz Island Occasional Paper Number 5, Pp. 28-55. Santa Cruz Island Foundation: Santa Barbara, CA


  • _____. 1991. Deaths on Santa Cruz Island. in Marla Daily (ed.), Chapel of the Holy Cross 1891-1991 Santa Cruz Island Occasional Paper Number 5, Pp. 60-70. Santa Cruz Island Foundation: Santa Barbara, CA


  • Daily, Marla and Wm. B. Dewey 1991. Pictorial History of La Capilla de la Santa Cruz del Rosario. in Marla Daily (ed.), Chapel of the Holy Cross 1891-1991. Santa Cruz Island Occasional Paper Number 5, Pp. 91-103. Santa Cruz Island Foundation: Santa Barbara, CA


  • Daily, Marla and Wm. B. Dewey 1991. Centennial Restoration of the Chapel of the Holy Cross. v Marla Daily (ed.), Chapel of the Holy Cross 1891-1991 Santa Cruz Island Occasional Paper Number 5, Pp. 104-115. Santa Cruz Island Foundation: Santa Barbara, CA


  • Daily, Marla (ed.) 1990. A Step Back in Time: Unpublished Channel Islands Diaries. Occasional Paper Number 4.
    Santa Cruz Island Foundation: Santa Barbara, CA, 205 pages


  • Daily, Marla 1990. California’s Channel Islands: 1001 Questions Answered. EZ Nature: San Luis Obispo, CA, Second edition. 284 pages


  • _____. 1989. The Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island: A New Hypothesis on Her Origin in California History California Historical Society: San Francisco, CA Spring/Summer, Pp. 36-41.


  • _____. (ed.) 1989. Northern Channel Islands Anthology. Occasional Paper Number 2. Santa Cruz Island Foundation:Santa Barbara, CA, 177 pages


  • Daily, Marla and Al Vail 1989. Santa Rosa Island: Past, Present and Future in Northern Channel Islands Anthology Occasional Paper Number 2, Santa Cruz Island Foundation: Santa Barbara, CA Pp. 96-105.


  • Daily, Marla and Carey Stanton 1989. Santa Cruz Island: Spanish Period to the Present. in Northern Channel Islands Anthology Occasional Paper Number 2, Santa Cruz Island Foundation: Santa Barbara, CA Pp. 54-69.


  • Daily, Marla (ed.) 1989. Santa Cruz Island Anthology. Occasional Paper Number 1. Santa Cruz Island Foundation: Santa Barbara, CA, 161 pages


  • Daily, Marla 1988. What Lives on Santa Cruz. Alolkoy 1(2):14, Fall 1988


  • Daily, Marla 1987. California’s Channel Islands: 1001 Questions Answered. McNally & Loftin: Santa Barbara, CA, 284 pages. First edition


  • _____. 1986. The Northern Channel Islands: Santa Barbara County’s Protective Sentinels in Santa Barbara County. Bankcorp Annual Report: Santa Barbara, CA


  • Daily, Marla, with John Cushing, Adrian Wenner, and Elmer Noble 1986. A Groundwater Hypothesis for the origin of ‘Fire Areas’ on the Northern Channel Islands. in Journal of Quaternary Research, V. 26, Pp. 207-217.


  • Daily, Marla 1986. This Little Piggie Stayed Home… in Santa Cruz Island Preserve News #22. Winter. Pp. 2. The Nature Conservancy: Santa Barbara, CA


  • _____. 1986. Historical Highlights of Santa Cruz Island. in Ventura Historical Society Quarterly 31: 4. Summer. Pp. 21-27.


  • _____. 1986. Buster Hyder Returns to Santa Barbara Island. in News Waves. Friends of Channel Islands National Park, V: 3.


  • _____. 1986. Santa Cruz Island in the Year 1880. in Santa Cruz Island Preserve News #21. Fall. Pp. 3. The Nature Conservancy: Santa Barbara, CA


  • _____. 1986. Archive Preserves Island Heritage. in Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Bulletin #98, September


  • _____. 1986. Wild Turkeys Disappear. Will History Repeat Itself? in Santa Cruz Island Preserve News #20. Summer. Pp. 2. The Nature Conservancy:
    Santa Barbara, CA


  • _____. 1986. Santa Cruz Island Divided. in Santa Cruz Island Preserve News #19. Spring. Pp. 2.


  • _____. 1985. Christmas on Santa Cruz Island with Father Sherman. in Santa Cruz Island Preserve News #18. Spring. Pp. 2. The Nature Conservancy:
    Santa Barbara, CA


  • _____. 1985. Historical Highlights: Santa Cruz Island. in Southern California Local History Council XV: 1 #43.


  • _____. 1985. The Santa Cruz Island Company Brand in Santa Cruz Island Preserve News #17. Fall. Pp. 3. The Nature Conservancy: Santa Barbara, CA


  • Daily, Marla, with John Cushing, Adrian Wenner, and Elmer Noble 1984. Fossil Mammoths from Santa Cruz Island, California in Journal of Quaternary Research, V. 21. Pp. 376-384.


  • Daily, Marla with Carey Stanton 1984. An Island Memoir. With a Select Bibliography by Marla Daily Santa Cruz Island Company: Los Angeles, CA, 38 pages


  • Daily, Marla 1984. Castillero’s Claim to Santa Cruz Island Continues. in Santa Cruz Island Preserve News #11. Spring. Pp. 3. The Nature Conservancy:
    Santa Barbara, CA


  • _____. 1983. Historical Highlights of Santa Cruz Island. in La Reata. #5, Pp. 14-19.Santa Barbara Corral of the Westerners: Santa Barbara, CA


  • _____. 1983. Another Who Tried to Claim Santa Cruz Island. in Santa Cruz Island Preserve News #10. Summer-Fall. Pp. 3. The Nature Conservancy: Santa Barbara, CA


  • _____. 1983. The First Private Owner of Santa Cruz Island. in Santa Cruz Island Preserve News #9. Spring. Pp. 1. The Nature Conservancy: Santa Barbara, CA


  • _____. 1983. Mission Santa Cruz Island? in Santa Cruz Island Preserve News #8. Winter. Pp. 1. The Nature Conservancy: Santa Barbara, CA


  • _____. 1982. The First Archaeology on Santa Cruz Island. in Santa Cruz Island Preserve News #7. Fall. Pp. 1 The Nature Conservancy: Santa Barbara, CA


  • _____. 1982. Brush Fire Sweeping Santa Cruz Island-Big Blaze is Visible from City-1931. in Santa Cruz Island Preserve News #7. July. Pp. 1. The Nature Conservancy: Santa Barbara, CA


  • _____. 1982. Making of The Rescue in Santa Cruz Island Preserve News #5. April. Pp. 1. The Nature Conservancy: Santa Barbara, CA


  • _____. 1982. Films Made on Santa Cruz Island in Santa Cruz Island Preserve News #4. January. Pp. 1. The Nature Conservancy: Santa Barbara, CA


  • _____. 1981. Fry’s Harbor Quarry in Santa Cruz Island Preserve News #3. August. Pp. 2. The Nature Conservancy: Santa Barbara, CA


  • _____. 1981. Bibliography of the History of Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz Islands in Literature Review of the Resources of Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa Islands and the Marine Waters of Channel Islands National Park, California. Pp. 101-111. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History: Santa Barbara, CA


  • Daily, Marla and Carey Stanton 1981. Santa Cruz Island: A Brief History of Its Buildings, an unpublished manuscript
    prepared for The Nature Conservancy. 22 pages




  • Kronman, Mick 2013. From Hooks to Harpoons, the Story of Santa Barbara Channel Fisheries. Introduction by Marla Daily
    Santa Barbara: Santa Barbara Maritime Museum. 263 pages


  • Chiles, Frederic Caire 2011. Justinian Caire and Santa Cruz Island: The Rise and Fall of a California Dynasty. Foreword by Marla Daily. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK


  • _____. 1981. Bibliography of the History of Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz Roberti, Betsy Lester. 2008. San Miguel Island: My Childhood Memoir, 1930-1942. Foreword by Marla Daily. Santa Cruz Island Foundation Occasional Paper Number 10. Santa Barbara: Santa Cruz Island Foundation.


  • Ehrlich, Gretel 2000. Cowboy Island: Farewell to a Ranching Legacy. Santa Rosa Island, California. Introduction by Marla Daily. Nita Vail, editor. Santa Barbara: Santa Cruz Island Foundation. 136 pages


  • Petersen, Michele 1998. Once Upon an Island. Foreword by Marla Daily Santa Cruz Island Foundation Occasional Paper Number 9
    Santa Barbara: Santa Cruz Island Foundation. 193 pages


  • Hillinger, Charles 1998. Charles Hillinger’s Channel Islands. Foreword by Marla Daily Santa Cruz Island Foundation Occasional Paper Number 8. Santa Barbara: Santa Cruz Island Foundation. 256 pages


  • Gherini, John 1997. Santa Cruz Island. A history of Conflict and Diversity. Introduction by Marla Daily
    Washington: The Arthur Clark Company. 265 pages


  • Allen, Kerry B. 1996. Island of the Cowboys. Foreword by Marla Daily Santa Cruz Island Foundation Occasional Paper Number 7
    Santa Barbara: Santa Cruz Island Foundation. 200 pages


  • Pinney, Thomas 1994. The Wine of Santa Cruz Island. Foreword by Marla Daily Santa Barbara: Santa Cruz Island Foundation. 101 pages


  • Caire, Helen 1993. Santa Cruz Island. A History and Recollections of an Old California Rancho. Foreword by Marla Daily
    Washington: The Arthur Clark Company. 192 pages


  • Caire, Helen 1990. Señor Castillo. Cock of Santa Cruz Island. Foreword by Marla Daily Occasional Paper Number 3
    Santa Barbara: Santa Cruz Island Foundation. 75 pages